The Perfect Wedding Gift


A gift is a memory of you and prove that you care. Do you have an upcoming wedding to attend? Or is your best friend about to tie the knot? Or probably you are a groom to be?

Weddings are one of the best times to share gifts but what sucks is finding the perfect gift to give, trust me it can be really tuff.
Here are a few tips to help:

You need to know the person – giving the perfect gift requires a lot of thinking, you need to spend time to know the person well to know what he/she would really like or you need to be very observant you have be able to put yourself in the persons shoes and think ‘if I were him or her what would I really like?’. For a newly married couple starting out she might probably be thinking about how to create a delicious kitchen and he might be struggling to create a haven of a home. You can think along these lines.

Go for lasting things – all though giving a gift that can be eaten or used within a short time like taking up a part of the wedding preparation or giving out cash is great but if you really want to be remembered years after then you have to gift something more permanent. It does not mean that if you can’t buy them a house then its not permanent enough think about home items or jewelry maybe even clothing! Something that the married couple would tell their kids some day that you gave them that on their wedding day.

Always remember, its the thought that counts not the gift. You dont have to break a bank to give a perfect gift or try to impress others with your gift, gifts can be small things too like your time, your effort or energy or even a note or a really good piece of advice. The important thing is that you touch the heart of the receiver.

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Wedding Chairs – How To Pick The Suitable One

This is a part of your setting that can easily be overlooked but plays an important role especially to your decoration. Here are a some chairs that you might want to consider for your ceremony or reception:

Chiavari chairs

This is the hottest trending wedding chairs right now they give an exquisite touch to your wedding decor. These chairs work well for for both ceremony and reception.

Garden Folding

See it alone and you might not like it see them together and they are a mighty army. Like its name implies this is best used for an out door wedding ceremony on a lawn


Banquet chairs

This is an exclusive indoor wedding ceremony chair and sometimes looks good for a formal wedding reception.

Lifetime Folding 

This is the most commonly used chair for weddings and events because of its versatility. Works well with a ceremony and reception.

Samsonite Folding


This a simple but good looking accessory for your setting. They are most suitable for indoor ceremony.

Ghost Chairs 


Its funny name goes with its look as well. Its invisible nature comes to light very well in the dark. Works well for a night wedding both ceremony and reception .


Another factor to consider with chairs for your wedding is the colour. Chair covers can be used in many creative ways have fun working with them!

Always remember one thing. Your wedding is always what you want. There are no rules in planning your wedding, there are only traditions and guidelines. 

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When Is The Best Time To Start Planning Your Wedding?

For your information the planning of your wedding started way before you were born. While your mom was pregnant your parent dreamed about the day you will walk down an aisle and they made so many plans for you.


When you got older, probably when you were just a kid you were  infected with this vision as well. You rehearsed being married over and over again. You dreamed about this day your whole life.

Now that your dream is no longer a fairytale, you have real business to take care of. When is the best time to get started? 


Well I am not going to quote a specific duration but what I am going to say is your time starts as soon as you say ‘yes’. From the moment you get engaged is the best time to start planning your wedding. It could be months or even over a year.

To get started as a newly engaged couple, the first thing you need to decide on is a possible wedding date, then fix a budget and find a wedding planner and you are good to go!

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How Important Is A Wedding Budget?


The budget! This is the most not liked to talk about but have to talk about topic of your wedding. Now just how important is a wedding budget?
Imagine you and your fiance set off on a one way journey there is no turning back and your destination is a location you are not familiar with but your bag is packed, you have enough food and water, you are all set! Off you go with all enthusiasm but you have been driving for hours you have gone past many turns and you do not know if you have gone too far or you still have to go more then maybe you start to argue. Even though you both do not know the destination wouldn’t it be much easier if you just had a map!

In your journey of planning your wedding your budget is your map. Here is a few reasons why its helpful to decide as a couple how much you want to spend on your wedding.


1. It tells how many guests, your venue and everything else – if you are working with a low budget and yet want the best wedding then it would mean tuff decisions like cutting down your guest list, getting a cheaper venue and even maybe a less expensive gown.


2. Reduces disagreements – even if your hire a planner you still need to decide your budget so you don’t keep going back and forth and you need to let close family members that matter know your budget so they understand you when you are making decisions.

3. Helps you prioritize and segment – if you have a clear figure as your budget or an amount range, then your planner can help you identity the necessary things that are important to you and the success of your wedding and can help you decide how much to spend on the other aspects. 

4. Its a healthy financial practice – not just for your wedding but in life as well. If you always have a budget for how much you want to spend and what to spend on you would only spend what you can truly afford.


5. After marriage life – every good leader has a vision for the future and now as you lead yourself into the beautiful world of marriage you need a vision. Since you already have a budget for your wedding and you see how well it worked for you, you would learn this important financial skill which would go a long way to bless your married life and achieve your goals.

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Who Invented The Umbrella? – Wedding Umbrella Ideas

An umbrella  is a very useful  tool especially in this season. As I enjoyed the benefit of an umbrella when the rain caught up with me at a bus station, I just stopped for a moment to think who’s idea was this?


And now I want to share with you what I found. The umbrella originated from the Chinese, they used it in their temples for worship, during their festivals, at home and for fashion. The umbrella was discovered some 4,000 years ago and it is also seen in ancient art of the Egyptian, Greece and Romans. The umbrella literally means ‘little shade’ as it was first designed to protect from the sun. However the handheld umbrella which is most common today was designed by Samuel Fox

Today thanks to civilization,  there are many uses of the umbrella even for your wedding! It can be used as decor and oh my it’s beautiful! It is also a smart back up just in case. The weather is the hardest thing ever to predict, so it is best to always have a rain back up plan. Here are a few wedding Umbrella ideas you could use.


Beautiful sun cover for your reception or ceremony.


Spectacular pink aisle


For the bride and bridesmaids!


Breath-taking dance floor decor


Page boy or flower girl prop


Amazing centerpiece decor.

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5 reasons why you need to workout before your wedding day


Most brides and grooms put working out last on their list or even label it ‘unnecessary’. It’s true without it you can still have your wedding and it is especially difficult if you are not a regular exercise kind of person.  At least for the sake of the most important day of your life here are 5 reasons why you need to workout:


It boosts your confidence : working out makes you feel good and feeling good makes you confident. You will have all your pride intact when slowly walking down the aisle in fact you will feel like walking forever.  One bride said “I loved the attention, I felt like a super model on the runway “.


It makes you look great in your wedding photos : wedding pictures! The lasting memories of your wedding. Wouldn’t it feel good to look at yourself standing chest out depicting a masculine figure in your suit, or having your friends admire all your curves and flat tummy  saying  you are the hottest bride ever! 


Keeps you healthy before your wedding : the last thing any bride or groom to be would want is to be rushed to the hospital when your wedding day is just around the corner.  One of the simplest and most effective medicine is regular exercise and a good diet.  At least for your wedding day make this your goal.


It keeps you in shape :  the pre-wedding nightmare of every bride is not fitting in your gown on your wedding day or your gown getting torn because you had to force yourself in it. You don’t even want to imagine it tearing while walking down the aisle. To prevent this try to maintain  your body size and shape by customizing a workout for that, then when you have your final fitting you only confirm whether you lost too much or gained weight. Keep a scale check your weight every morning.


It contributes to a good skin and face : regular exercise and work out leads to good circulation of blood and increased intake of water and since you are physically active you would get tired and enjoy a good rest. This contributes to a healthy skin and relaxed muscles. 


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How to strengthen your commitment before and after your wedding


Getting married can be fun, exciting and emotional but it is also very serious business. It involves the highest level of commitment. The precious day you vowed to love your spouse no matter what, ‘no matter what’ included commitment even when problems arise.

Here are a few tips that would help:


Commitment is the solution not the problem –  commitment is like an anchor that can keep your marriage  steady. Having the confidence that your marriage is secure even when everything is not perfect gives you a foundation to solve your problems. One bride said:”during a conflict, the best thing is knowing that neither you nor your spouse is leaving”.


Guard your speech – words are very powerful, they stab harder than physical pain. In the heat of a quarrel be careful not to say things as ‘I am leaving you!’ Or ‘I would find someone  who appreciates me!’. Your marriage should not make you feel trapped but rather secured!


Send out ‘commitment signals’ – keep a photo of your spouse on your desk at work, talk positively about your marriage to others, call your spouse each day while you’re away, your new favorite phrase should be ‘we’ or ‘my husband and i’. Look out for couples you admire and learn new things from them.


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Decoration – The Amazing Factor of Your Wedding

Personally this is my favorite  part of every wedding because of the wonderful  transformation it comes with. From making your guests go ‘wow’ to creating beautiful lasting memories in your wedding pictures. It is almost  a must to hire a professional  decorator for your wedding and in order to execute to the finest quality the decorator needs your cooperation. Therefore here are a few things you need to know about your wedding decor.

# Colour –  colour is to decoration as salt is to a meal, it is critical to pick the right colour or what is more the right combination of colours for your wedding. You might want to consider  not just your favorite  colour but also what the colour means, the psychological  effect of the colour, how well it plays with your venue, easy manipulation  of the colour and how well it works with other colours. In combining colours some colours are just not meant to be together and sometimes combining too many colours just don’t  work out well. Colours come in a lot of shades have fun with that too! However  it is best best to have one main colour, one complementing colour, and one neutral colour such as white or black.



# Lights – if you are going to be partying  into the night when sunlight is away, moonlight  is not a good substitute  so you need to invest in light or if you are having  your wedding  in a hall then lights is a must-have. Decorative lights come in so many colours, shapes and size however having the perfect lights for the venue fills the venue with a spectacular feeling that can not be translated  in pictures, you need to be present to feel it! So talk to your decorator about what lights will work with the venue and give you the feeling you want. Candles, disco bulbs, chandeliers, fireworks, etc. get lit up!



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Wedding Guest List – why is it important?


The secret to a well organized wedding is well organized guests. I think we all know how difficult it is to organize people especially in large number and to do it well. 

So if you want to have a great wedding then make sure your guests are properly organized. The only way to do that well is to have a guest list! 

Here are 5 reasons why you need a guest list:

#1. Helps you know exactly how many people would be present then prepare for extras – because you have the names and contacts of all the people attending your wedding on your guest list you can easily send bulk SMS or e-mails and guests can also reply to confirm their attendance.

#2. Guides the decorator – your guest list tells the decorator the number of people you are expecting and even whether they are elderly or kids, this helps him/her to decorate the venue to amaze your guests and also make them feel comfortable. The decorator can even prepare a kids zone if she knows how many kids are likely to be there ahead of time.

#3. Helps you order accurate food and drinks – your guest list gives your planner and vendors vital information. Such as when ordering food and drinks, since the caterer knows both the number of guests and the age ranges he/she would know how to cook to cover them all. The bar would also know how many alcoholic drinks to make available.

#4. Helps you to order your rentals – you wouldn’t want to leave any guests without a seat or without a spoon or plate. Even though there would be party crushing, the people on your guest list can help you anticipate how many people would be crushing your party.

#5. Helps you plan seating arrangement – since you know your guests on a personal level you would know who to pair up in your escort cards. You would also be able to plan whether guests should be seated around circular tables or rectangular ones. It even helps you to know which venue to choose and thus what arrangement would fit. 

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